Opportunity Tickets…Barbara Robinson

November drawings at three for $1 are:

“Kool Kit” $36 Value

Ice Pack & Biofreeze Spray

Winchester Chiropractic

1270 S. Winchester Blvd, S.J.

(Thanks to Barbara Robinson)

Red Robin (Free Dessert w/Purchase-$5 Value)

El Paseo de Saratoga

(Thanks to Angie Jaggars)

Campbell Express

Two Free Subscriptions 408-374-9700

(Thanks to Stephon Hansen)

Weekend Coffee Roasters

Bag of Fresh Coffee Locally Roasted

(Thanks to Rick Loek)

October winners were:

Half Hour Massage: Bonnie Wasenbaum

Denny’s: Richard Sarsfield

Campbell Express: Paul Waxenbaum and Betty Rhodes

Weekend Coffee Roasters: Rick Loek