AARP September Meeting … Paul Levine
The speakers for our September 15, 2020, meeting will be from the League of Women Voters (LWV) who will discuss the ballot issues in the upcoming November election. LWV presenters will open a zoom meeting live and show a recording of the pros and cons of each ballot measure.
There are 12 state propositions, 3 county measures and 2 local measures for those living in our League’s coverage area. In the presentations, they will address the pros and cons of the state ballot measures, pause after each measure for questions, and also highlight the county and local measures.
The LWV is a national, non-partisan, volunteer organization committed to voter engagement and education, The LWV of Southwest Santa Clara Valley, which covers the cites of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga, will host a Zoom Pro and Con webinar meeting with our AARP chapter on Tuesday, September 15 at 10:00 AM. Check-in will start at 9:50 AM.
Chapter members will receive an email on Monday, September 14, giving instructions for attending the meeting(s); 9 AM for the general meeting and 10 AM for the LWV-led meeting.
With the last of the summer recess for Congress, and the Democratic and Republican conventions taking place, not a lot has happened, legislatively speaking.
But for those of us who are retired, or hoping to retire (soon), President Trump’s recent statements about eliminating Social Security’s current dedicated funding is cause for concern. On August 8, 2020, President Trump said that he intended to “terminate the tax,” referring to Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. It’s a step that would, if taken in isolation, remove nearly 90% of funding for Social Security benefits, and thus likely pose a threat to the continued existence of those programs.
Because of coronavirus, the President had first wanted to defer the payroll taxes being taken out of workers’ paychecks, but he stated that, if elected, he would permanently cut the taxes by the end of the year. A week later, President Trump finally suggested an alternate source, the general fund of government revenues, per Fox Business.
These sweeping statements come at a time when Americans 50+ are already on edge about their financial and retirement security. We cannot cut Social Security funding without a strong plan in place, otherwise we endanger the benefits that Americans have paid into their whole lives.
We need to take action by writing or calling the President, asking him to explain his statements and let us know, exactly how this would work. Copy the link below into a new browser window and email President Trump today. Ask him to explain his recent statements about eliminating Social Security’s current dedicated funding.
If you voted by mail before, your voting process will be mostly the same under the Voter’s Choice Act.
Now all voters will automatically receive a Vote by Mail (VBM) ballot. You do not need to submit a VBM request. Ballots will be mailed about a month before the election, giving you plenty of time to mark and return your ballot when it is most convenient for you. Please VOTE EARLY if you can.
However, if you need to request a ballot, such as a change of address, contact:
By October 6 the following sites should be updated with complete detailed information:
Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters November Election web page: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/rov/Info/Nov2020/Pages/Nov2020Info.aspx (most detailed information will be available 29 days before the election, so on Oct 6)
AARP Web Site AARP.org: The state guides will be featured in the September and October Bulletins and via aarp.org/election2020 (when they are available)
Santa Clara County (sccgov.org) Verify your own registration status (on-line or via telephone), Voter Information Guide (will be available at https://www.sccgov.org/sites/rov/Voting/Pages/INFOpamphlet.aspx, available by Oct. 6).
Event Dates and Topics:
Registration Info at www.caregiverscount.net
Let’s keep our Troop Support program alive! Please send me names of any active overseas military individuals. Check with your friends, neighbors, etc. These folks still need our encouragement.
Member Ron Coombs has recovered from pneumonia, is back home and his brother is taking care of him.
Please mail your volunteer hours to AARP Community Service, 1443 Antonio Lane, San Jose, CA 95117, or email to < leonafails@sbcglobal.net >.