Legislative Report…Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, you might have heard of the “doughnut hole” – the coverage gap in Medicare that pushes higher prescription drug payments onto seniors. Luckily, February’s budget deal closes that gap in 2019, earlier than expected, but pharmaceutical companies are still raking in the profits on high-cost prescription drugs.

AARP would like us to tell them about how the high prescription drug costs are impacting us and our families. Our stories will help them show Congress the real-world impact that this crucial issue has on millions of hardworking Americans like us. Please go to https://action.aarp.org and write “doughnut hole” into the search bar.

Two priorities from the California State Legislature:

1. For Richer or Poorer: A Family Caregiver’s Journey focuses on the realities of Caregivers, the impact they have on society and resources that are now available through the work of AARP and other organizations and elected officials. https://blog.aarp.org/2018/02/12/for-richer-or-poorer-a-family-caregivers-journey/

This article has some very powerful numbers and quite a bit of helpful information. This next one, you think, well I’m too old for dating; but you would be surprised how many of us oldsters are out there looking for love….the second, third or fourth time around! So, beware! Caveat Emptor is not just for the buyer, but also the lover!

2. The Better Business Bureau has a study on how scammers use impersonation, blackmail and trickery to steal from unsuspecting daters. https://www.bbb.org/globalassets/article-library/romancescam-study/bbb-study-online-romance-scams-study.pdf