County Communications Office, County of Santa Clara

Dear Neighbors,

Santa Clara County is expecting extended rain beginning Sunday, January 13 through Friday, January 18.  Rain and cold temperatures put people at risk for serious health conditions, including hypothermia, which is caused by dangerously low body temperature. Please share this information with those who may need it.

Daytime and overnight warming centers and expanded shelters services will be available starting Sunday, January 13 through Friday, January 18, 2019. For a printable PDF listing of facilities click here:

For more information on shelter locations and warming centers around Santa Clara County, visit the County of Santa Clara Office of Supportive Housing at

Please check on family, friends, neighbors and others who might be at risk of cold-related health conditions:

•           Older adults with inadequate food, clothing, or heating.

•           Babies or individuals with pre-existing medical conditions sleeping in cold rooms.

•           People who remain outdoors for long periods — the homeless, hikers, hunters, etc.

•           People who drink alcohol or use drugs.

If someone experiences a body temperature below 95° F, please get immediate medical attention.

•           Look for a warm room or shelter and remove any wet clothing.

•           Warm the center of the body first—chest, neck, head, and groin—using warm blankets.

•           Warm beverages can help increase body temperature, but DO NOT consume or give

            alcoholic beverages or try to give beverages to an unconscious person.

Older adults can be more at risk because they often make less body heat due to a slower metabolism and less physical activity.

People 65 years of age and older should take cold weather precautions:

Cold Weather Tips for Older Adults (English):

Consejos para gente de edad avanzada durante temporadas de frio (Spanish):

年長者過好寒冬的秘訣 (Chinese):
