Legislative News…Daniel North and Claudia Schoff

AARP has a voter engagement campaign titled “Be the Difference. Vote”. If you haven’t already, please commit to voting on November 6th by signing our voters’ pledge and visit

https://action.aarp.org/site/SPageNavigator/2018_Voter_Pledge.html. We want to raise the voice and share the importance of the 50+ voter. We want voters to ask important questions to the candidates around issues impacting the 50+ community.

Before you cast your vote on Nov. 6, make sure you know where candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate and presidency stand on these three issues:

  1. How would you protect Social Security for today’s seniors and strengthen it for future generations?
  2. How would you put Medicare on stronger financial ground and protect today’s seniors and future retirees from the

    burden of rising health costs?

  3. How would you help Americans build a financial nest egg for their retirement?

Know your candidates! Candidates’ Websites:

Gavin Newsom (D) – http://www.gavinnewsom.com

John Cox (R) – http://johncoxforgovernor.com

Lt. Gov.
Edward Hernandez (D) – https://www.edhernandez4ca.com/

Eleni Kounalakis (D) – http://www.eleniforca.com

Dianne Feinstein (D) – https://feinsteinforca.com
Kevin de León (D) – https://www.kevindeleon.com

District 14
Cristina Osmeña (R) – https://www.osmenaforcongress.com/

Jackie Speier (D) – http://jackieforcongress.com/
District 15
Eric Swalwell (D) – http://www.swalwellforcongress.com

Rudy Peters (R) – https://www.rudypetersforcongress.com/
District 16
Elizabeth Heng (R) – https://elizabethheng.com/
Jim Costa (D) – http://www.jimcosta.com/
District 17
Ro Khanna (D) – http://www.rokhanna.com/
Ron Cohen (R) – http://www.roncohen4congress2018.com/
District 18
Anna Eshoo (D) – http://www.annaeshoo4congress.com/

Christine Russell (R) – No site
District 19
Justin Aguilera (R) – No site
Zoe Lofgren (D) – http://www.lofgrenforcongress.com

Don’t forget to pledge to vote on the AARP site and please vote! Make your voice heard.