Now that Congress is back in session, they are already talking about cutting Medicare (Still? Again?) and we need ALL of your voices to tell Congress to protect Medicare! Here is the link to contact your Congress members or you can write a letter to them or to Senators Feinstein or Harris stating your wishes. Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=6199&intcmp=AE-POL-ADVO-HMC-CTABTN-ADV_6199
In a letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump, AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins outlines AARP’s priorities for Americans age 50 and older including protecting Medicare and Social Security, ensuring access to affordable health care coverage, and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. In the letter Jenkins writes to President-elect Trump that “Our nearly 38 million members nationwide and all older Americans are counting on you to protect their Medicare and Social Security benefits, protect their access to affordable health care, and to tackle the high cost of prescription drugs. Throughout the campaign, your statements on these important issues of health and financial security set you apart from many other candidates. Now, as you assume office, older Americans are looking to you to protect them from efforts to cut their benefits, increase their costs, or otherwise harm the crucial programs they rely on.” We hope he takes at least these campaign promises seriously. I hope to have good news for you about this soon.
Don’t have writer’s cramp yet? Here are two more Federal calls to action that you might want to look into! The first one is HR66. This is a congressional attempt to undo a federal rule that allowed California to create our Secure Choice Retirement Savings Act (SB1234). Our Senators Feinstein and Harris need to get an earful from all of us regarding this! It takes away another chance for younger folks to save for their retirement who don’t have ready access to a 401k savings plan from work.
The second one is HR708, the Age Tax. This one is a doozy! Instead of our older citizens (that’s us!) paying “only” three times more than the younger folks for health insurance, this is an attempt to give insurance the carte blanche to charge us thousands more for our healthcare! It’s time to write our Senators!! If you want to write them online: . Here’s more information:
‘Age Rating’ Is Washington-Speak for Overcharging Older Americans