
Legislative Report…Daniel Nnorth

What is Campbell CERT?

This is the information Jackie Wyckoff presented at the July 19 meeting. I feel it is important to make available to all members. What will you do in the event of a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, or other emergency? Did you know that our local police and fire will likely be overwhelmed and not able to respond or assist for hours or even days after a major event? The Campbell Community Emergency Response Team could be your salvation. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. While people will respond to others in need without the training, Campbell CERT will help them do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger. CERT members are trained to:  

  • Manage utilities and put out small fires. 
  • Provide basic medical aid, including treating the three medical killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock. 
  • Search for and rescue victims safely. 
  • Organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective. 
  • Collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts.

The City of Campbell (including our close San Jose neighbors) currently has more than 180 trained CERTS. The CERT Academy training consists of twenty hours of training by Santa Clara County Fire, including a final exam and graduation.  Once members have completed the training class they are requested to apply to the City of Campbell PD for an official Disaster Service Workers pass.  Applicants must provide fingerprints and pass a background check.  This indemnifies each CERT and provides them with insurance in the event they are injured performing their job. We are constantly adding to our roles and will graduate three new classes of trained volunteers in July, September and November 2016.      Our focus is now on equipping each neighborhood battalion with the supplies they will need, to do the jobs that they have been trained for. We need generators, radio equipment, medical supplies, funding for our website and to apply for emergency service grants, funding to host drills and make maps, for continuing education for CERT Volunteers, and much more. If you or your business are interested in helping Campbell CERT attain our goals, here are a few ways you can contribute

  • Get trained or have your staff members trained. 
  • Make a cash donation.  Every dollar helps fund CERT programs, education and supplies. 
  • Donate a gift card, goods or services for an upcoming event, raffle or auction.  We will be holding a raffle at the Downtown Campbell Oktoberfest October 15-16, 2016, in conjunction with hosting the First Aid Station.  
  • Sponsor or co-Sponsor an upcoming event.

Campbell CERT is a 501(c)3, California Non Profit entity so your donation is 100% tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for tax purposes. We will also provide you with a window sticker so you can show the community that you support Campbell CERT. If you would like more information: Log on to our website at CampbellCaCERT.org; Email us at CampbellCaCERT@gmail.com; or Contact Jackie Wyckoff, 650-704-3230.