Santa Clara County Veterans Resource Fair 2017

Santa Clara County Veterans Resource Fair 2017 – Saturday April 8 
Only a few days to go before the coolest Veterans Resource Fair on the planet, right here in our own backyards at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds! We want to reach every veteran in the county and invite them to the resource fair. So we need your help spreading the word to veterans throughout the Bay Area, especially in Santa Clara County. Please forward to every contact list that could include veterans or their family, friends or coworkers.

The San Jose Vet Center Resource Fair Advisory Council is pleased to announce the upcoming 12th Annual Veterans Resource Fair to be held on Saturday, April 8, 2017 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds Fiesta Hall from 10 AM to 3 PM.

A record number 80+ service providers are signed up for the Veterans Resource Fair this year. Services offered include veteran benefits counseling, employment opportunities, medical and housing needs, community agency support services, and education benefits. The attendees are offered FREE lunch, child care and parking. Veteran online signup, a complete list of service providers, and more info:
Flier is online: fliers/flier.pdf Questions: contact