Legislative News … Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

While Congress has been working, the state legislature went into recess about a month ago.  They are supposed to come back in early May.  There will be a big shortfall in revenues here in California, meaning that we may have a budget deficit.  Because of the COVID pandemic, the focus for the legislature will be on COVID response, retaining current funding in the state budget (not increases) and preparation for wildfire season.

President Trump signed a reauthorization of The Older Americans Act on Wednesday, April 22nd.  This law provides much needed money for programs like meals on wheels and family caregiver support.

With all that said, advocacy is continuing in a virtual manner.  If you are so inclined, you can take the following actions:

Federal Representative:

  • Thank your member of Congress and Senators (Harris and Feinstein) for passing the Older Americans Act & CARES Act (The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act).  You can do this by calling their local offices.

State Senator & Assembly Member:

  • Ask your local Senator and Assembly Member to support our Paid Leave Act.  We are requesting broader terms than what we shared in February because it includes both Paid Sick Leave AND Paid Family Leave.  The Families-First Coronavirus Response Act, that President Trump signed back in March, has gaps that need to be filled; and this ask to Governor Newsom, would take care of that, ensuring that all workers are entitled to job-protected leave and wage-replacement benefits to weather this unprecedented crisis.

With 1,156,278 confirmed COVID-19 cases, nearly 170,201 people in America have reported full recoveries from COVID-19.  Even so, the US hits a grim milestone:  Almost 70,000 people have died of COVID-19, and the global pandemic shows few signs of slowing as pressure mounts to reopen parts of our economy.

Support is building among Republicans for reopening the economy sooner rather than later, but not all GOP lawmakers are on the same page.  Many believe we may be better off waiting another month, giving the scientists enough time to come up with vaccines and antivirals.  And while some governors are already chomping at the bit to open up early, others, like the governor from New Mexico, are looking at May 15th or later, before lifting the lockdown.