The following cards were mailed: Sympathy to Lee Billings family, Get Well to Jeanne Carey and Daphne Depold, and Thinking of You to George Depold.
4″ x 6′ Hanging Purse…Marlene Hruby
Will the person who donated a tiny red purse with a long hanging strap please identify yourself at the meeting. It is very important.
Lost Pen…Marlene Hruby
I gave someone my pen last month to recommend a restaurant for January. It has Murrell Peevyhouse’s name printed on it. Please return it to me. Thanks.
Southwest Experience Trip by Talbot…Marlene Hruby
Please join me on this great trip, September 27 to Oct 2, 2016, to Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona, GRAND CANYON, Oak Creek Canyon, Pink Jeep Tour, with many, many other sights and museums all included. Of course, Talbot’s extras are included: home pickup and airport transfers, tour manager, hotels, many meals, baggage handling, all taxes, and gratuities for all service. Flyers will be available at the tour table and attached to e-mail addressees. Sign up in July and receive a certificate worth $50 per couple and $25 per single. You can also call me to receive a copy in advance of the meeting. I’ve always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. I NEED A ROOMMATE!
Fund Raiser…Marlene Hruby
We’re having a fundraiser on Tuesday July 19th after our meeting from 11:30 and for the rest of the day at the Rock Bottom Brewery in the Pruneyard. Those arriving from the meeting will be seated together. After 12:30 it’s regular seating. Bring your family and friends and identify yourselves as AARP diners with coupon below (cut it out) and which will be available at the tour table. Guys, It’s a brewery! RBB said they would honor the coupon from anyone; so if you need more, call or e-mail me.
TUESDAY JULY 19 11:30 AM TO 9:00 PM
(Happy Hour not included in fund raising)
Community Service…Sheila Gold
Calling all AARP members who attended school–yes, that means all of you. Please donate school necessities and/or cash to the Sacred Heart Backpack Drive and brighten the day for deserving youngsters. Besides the normal school items, there is a special need for NEW backpacks (no red or blue!), scientific calculators, safety scissors, USB flash drives, hand sanitizer, tissues, and $20 shoe gift certificates. Check with the store manager and tell him why you are buying school items and he/she may give you a teacher’s discount! Items must be collected this month. Brownie points for those who buy lemonade from a kid’s lemonade stand — it’s all about passing on a good feeling to our fellow citizens no matter their age.
We know it’s only July but It’s time to think about next year. We invite you to be a vital part of our fantastic group by volunteering for a board or committee position. We always welcome new ideas. If you are interested in guiding the chapter, please call one of the members of the Nominating Committee. It will enrich your life.
Legislative Report…Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott
More than 7 million working Californians do not have access to retirement savings plans through their employers. That is why AARP is working to pass SB 1234, Secure Choice Savings Program Act. Secure Choice makes it easier for small businesses to establish a basic retirement savings option for employees. Secure Choice would not be a state program, it would be a public-private partnership. This would be a hassle-free way for small businesses with 5 employees or more to offer their employees a simple retirement plan. Employees would have a choice of whether to participate. Accounts would follow the employee so a person could continue to save if they change jobs. Please join us and sign AARP’s online petition to pass Secure Choice. Together, we can help individuals build retirement savings so more people can have the freedom to live independently throughout their lives.
SB 1234 (Secure Choice) Update – Passed Assembly Labor & Employment with bi-partisan support. It now heads to Assembly Appropriations. Your help is needed. Please tell your Assembly Member to vote YES on this critical piece of legislation, and take action here.
State Budget: Governor Brown has signed the state budget. AARP’s letter on the budget has, among other things, the provisions we supported that are now law, including the reduction of Medi-Cal Estate Recovery to the federal minimum, a small increase in the monthly SSI grant, reversal of the 7% hours cut for In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) recipients, and increased funding for Alzheimer’s early detection and diagnosis.
Dates to Remember
DEADLINE for articles for the Dispatch — First Tuesday each month
E-mail to Marlene Hruby or
Snail (US) mail to Dispatch, 2156 Orestes Way, Campbell CA 95008
Executive Board Meeting, Wesley Manor — Second Tuesday each month — 10:00 am
Chapter Meeting Campbell Community Center, Room Q80 — Third Tuesday each month — 9:30 am
Troop Support…Angie Jaggars
Please bring current issues of sports magazines, small hand sanitizers and hand held games. NO NEED for toothpaste or toothbrushes.
The reason politicians try so hard to get reelected is that they would “hate” to have to make a living under the laws they have just passed.