Restaurants Deliver: Home Meals for Seniors

Governor Newsom announced Friday, April 24, the launch of a first-in-the-nation “Restaurants Deliver: Home Meals for Seniors” partnership with counties, cities, and Tribes.

Restaurants Deliver has two purposes:

• Help older and other adults at high risk from COVID-19 to stay home and stay healthy by delivering three nutritious meals a day, and

• Provide essential economic stimulus to local businesses and workers struggling to stay afloat during the COVID crisis.

As the local programs get established in the next few days, more information will be provided on this page. In the meantime, here are resources that are available now:

• Enter your location into to find local services, such as nutrition, financial, health care, and housing assistance. Every community has an Aging and Adult Info Line to connect to aging and adult services: 1-800-510-2020.

• Visit the California Department of Aging’s COVID-19 page for a list of resources for older and other at-risk adults.

• Do you suspect someone is being neglected or abused? Call Adult Protective Services at 833-401-0832.

• Suspect fraud? AARP has a Fraud Watch Network Helpline: 877-908-3360.

• Concerned about someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s or their caregiver? Call the Alzheimer’s Association: 800-272-3900.

Reach out to California’s COVID-19 hotline for questions about coronavirus: 833-422-4255 (833-4CA-4ALL).”

The link to the state web site is:

President … Ken Schieck

Welcome to the month of April, the first full month of the spring season. During this month, we celebrate Passover, Easter, and the IRS! Last week, I and a few Board members toured the new AARP regional office on St. John Street in San Jose. When going there, I was reminded why I am grateful for the County Light Rail System!

The state AARP is advocating for what they call an age-friendly network (AFN) of livable communities, which include San Jose, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, and, hopefully, Campbell. They want to promote what they call the “8 domains of livability,” which include: (1) Transportation, (2) Housing, (3) Social Participation, (4) Respect and Social Inclusion, (5) Civic Participation and Engagement, (6) Communication and Information, (7) Community Support and Health Services, and (8) Outdoor Spaces and Buildings. More information will be forthcoming.

Remember that our chapter is still seeking a Vice- President.

Program … Paddy Wray

Are you becoming lazy and non-productive, or are you looking at the clock and wondering where your day has gone? We are going to present a panel that will provide you with new and varied options to get involved — Tina Wong’s staff (re the Campbell Recreation and Community Services Department), Liz Gibbons (re miscellaneous opportunities), Steve Kline (board aide to Supervisor Susan Ellenberg), and Sharon Levine (re book-club participation). We also would like to hear what you’re involved with that may interest other members of our group, so please come prepared to share!

Nominations … Jan Delucchi

To the members of our Chapter: we are asking you to volunteer for some very important positions to keep our Chapter running. It is up to you now. PLEASE call me, 408-379-7587, or email me at, or see me at the next Chapter meeting to see how you can help. We have been a Chapter for over 20 years because our members volunteered when needed.

Eliminating AARP Snail Mail…Angie Jaggars

If you no longer wish to receive certain mailings from National AARP, follow these instructions:

  1. Call the phone number on the back of your membership card.
  2. Say “suppress” to be connected with a representative.
  3. State what mailings you are no longer interested in — be specific, i.e., car insurance, health insurance, life insurance, etc.

Allow 12 weeks for processing.

Legislative News … Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

On the AARP front, survey results are being released in conjunction with the launch of AARP’s national campaign to convince federal and state lawmakers to curb out-of-sight prescription drug prices. The “Stop Rx Greed” campaign will promote AARP’s four solutions to runaway drug costs. Stop price gouging by allowing Medicare and states to use their vast buying powers to negotiate for lower drug prices and allowing state attorneys general to take legal action against drug manufacturers for excessive drug price hikes.

  • Stop price gouging by allowing Medicare and states to use their vast buying powers to negotiate for lower drug prices and allowing state attorneys general to take legal action against drug manufacturers for excessive drug price hikes.
  • Increase access and affordability of prescription drugs by capping out-of-pocket costs for consumers, expanding the availability of state pharmaceutical assistance programs, allowing states to safely import prescription drugs from other countries and protecting a recent Medicare improvement that helps beneficiaries with high prescription-drug costs.
  • Close loopholes that allow drug manufacturers to delay or even block the development of lower-cost generics, and ban deals that allow pharmaceutical companies to pay generic firms not to bring a competing product to market.
  • Support laws that promote transparency by requiring drug makers to justify dramatic price increases.

“Americans are paying the highest prescription drug prices in the world,” says Nancy LeaMond, AARP executive vice president and chief advocacy and engagement officer. “It’s time for pharmaceutical companies to stop deflecting blame and acknowledge that the root cause is the price they set for their products.”

AARP is encouraging us to focus on this campaign and get updates on this and other federal campaigns by going to to sign up for the alerts.

Community Service … Leona Fails

Stanford Blood Center is new in the neighborhood — at 295 E. Hamilton Ave., Campbell, CA 95008. Did you know that one blood donation can save up to three lives? Be a lifesaver. Make an appointment to donate at or call 1-888-723-7831.

FREE Programs/Services for Cancer Patients … Barbara Robinson

Call 1-800-227-2345 or go to for the American Cancer Society’s numerous free services & information. It’s an amazing organization before, during & after cancer. FYI…. donations are tax deductible. Local office is at 747 Camden Ave, Ste B, Campbell. Feel free to contact Barbara Robinson to receive a flyer by email.

FIGHT CANCER at the “RELAY FOR LIFE” Event: April 6th @ 4:45 pm at AVAYA STADIUM. Get Tickets at San Jose Earthquakes Team attending.

Opportunity Drawing

April Drawing:

Three Tickets for $1.00 – April 16, 2019

MOD Pizza in Campbell $25 Gift Card
(Thanks to Angie Jaggars)

Best Taste Restaurant in Campbell $10 Gift Card
(Thanks to Angie Jaggars)

Mystery Prize (Thanks to Barbara Robinson)

Good Luck

March Opportunity Drawing Winners:

Blue Sky Restaurant winner was Helen Kao

The Garret winner was Kathy Mattingly

Campbell Express winner was Jane Seeds

Bouquet of Shamrocks winner was Paddy Wray