Community Service…Marilyn Clough

While scraping mustard off the Vial of Life in my frig, I checked its contents and was horrified at how out-of- date my information was. This led me, after many amazing phone calls, to the new, personal emergency information L.I.F.E. File. Who knew? This 21st centu- ry version of the Vial will be available at our upcoming meeting for you, your family, friends and neighbors. It is a pouch 6″x 9″ which attaches to the outside of your frig (no mustard!). If paramedics are called to your home for an emergency, this information is immediate- ly available: the general information form, plus POLST, advance directive, and do-not-resusitate forms (if you have taken care of these last three de- tails; if not, please do!). This is an easy, organized method to have vital documents immediately available and could ultimately be life-saving.