President…Marlene Hruby
I have enjoyed being your president for the last two years, and I am ready to hand over the reins to our new president and his board. Installation will take place at the December 13 meeting. I am sure you will support them as you have me. I cannot stress enough the importance of greeting fellow members at the meeting. I cringe when a member says to me that nobody ever talks to them. Please, please use that 9:30 social time to be just that, SOCIAL. If you notice, I spend a lot of that time roaming the room with this newsletter, trying to greet all, especially new members with those leis. Please do this as well as meeting present members you don’t know. There, that’s my last lecture! Here’s wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season and please be sure to join us on January 17 for our Winter Luncheon. Bette will be taking reservations at the Tour Table in the back. We must give a final count the first week. We must give a final count the first week of January AND HAVE GUARANTEED 50!