Legislative News … Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

Our action this month is to THANK our members of Congress for having voted in favor of HR 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act.  All of our local members of Congress (Representatives Anna Eshoo 408-245-2339, Ro Khanna 408-436-2720, Zoe Lofgren 408-271-8700) voted in favor of this bill.  We need to make sure that they know we are happy they voted in favor of it.

Since Congress is still on winter break until sometime in January, there is no new news, except the impeachment of the President by the House of Representatives on the 18th of December.  Now it goes to the Senate for the trial.

Speaking of which, the schedule for days in session for January and early February is predictably in flux because, absent an agreement, the Senate could convene six days a week for the duration of an impeachment trial against President Donald Trump.  The President has asked for an immediate trial.  The accusations of abuse of power and obstruction will be heard at that time.  Even though the House is Democrat led, the Senate is controlled by Republicans.

On that note, keep an eye on the trial; it should be very interesting.  Have a great new year!