Legislative Report

Legislative Report…Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott
Happy New Year! We are hitting the ground running and fighting for our needs! Last month I wrote the statement that AARP had made regarding Social Security. This month, AARP has expanded on their statement. They have stated their principles which will guide them as they fight for us and future generations of retired persons.

  • Achieve long-term solvency and adequacy. Social Security should be sufficiently financed to ensure solvency for the long term. Solvency proposals must ensure meaningful benefits for future generations. 
  • Reaffirm Social Security’s fundamental character. Social Security should continue to provide a stable foundation for retirement income. It should remain a partnership among individuals, employers and the federal government. It should also maintain its role in providing protection for workers and families affected by death or disability. All covered workers should contribute equitably to the program and receive benefits. 
  • Ensure protections for those most in need. Reforms should take into account the needs of those most reliant on Social Security and those who have difficulty postponing retirement. 
  • Recognize the value of Social Security’s core elements. Social Security should continue to reward work. The key elements of Social Security’s successful program structure should be preserved: progressive, defined benefits that cannot be outlived; inflation protection; and benefits related to earnings. 
  • Make improvements to reflect today’s workforce. An updated Social Security program must address the economic and demographic changes over the last 80 years to be able to respond to the needs of future beneficiaries and their families.
  • Ensure fairness. Changes to the program should be implemented gradually and should protect current beneficiaries and near retirees.

AARP is also asking for our help with Medicare. It seems that it is always on the chopping block and now is the time for us to rise to the occasion. AARP is looking to collect Medicare stories. With benefits at risk of being cut, they are asking individuals to share what Medicare means to them and how cuts would impact them and their family. Stories can be submitted at: https://action.aarp.org/site/SPageNavigator/2016_Medicare_Story_Share_SM.html. I hope I can count on all of you to help out! Have a great year!