President…Ken Schieck

First of all, I wish a very happy and prosperous 2019 to all of you;; some of us had a very prosperous 2018, others just want to forget about the past year and get on with the new one. To all the members who joined (or returned to) our chapter in 2018, I offer a big “thank you.” Please consider lending your talents to the activities that will be planned this year.

Below is a letter from our vice-president, Gene Lennon, who will be moving in a different direction for the time being. Perhaps you can fill his position.

Dear Campbell Area AARP Chapter 5151 members,

Many of you may be wondering why I have not been attending the monthly meetings and fulfilling my obligation as Vice President/Program Director. In the past few months, I have experienced some major lifestyle changes that have prevented me from completing my requirements of the position.

I am truly sorry for my inability to fully serve you as was expected of me, but hope you did appreciate what programs I was able to secure during my time as V.P.

You voted me into the position with expectations of my ability to provide educational, entertaining, and informative programs for a period of 2 years and I was going to extend for another, but things changed. Life is unpredictable and sometimes alters the course we choose.

I have enjoyed meeting all of you and helping to bring value to the Chapter and would not hesitate to volunteer once again if things should change. As of now, I am unable to attend the monthly meetings and participate in the Board of Director meetings which are to guide, direct, implement and administer policies that benefit the chapter.

Please give your support to the board and to Paddy Wray for helping me complete that which I cannot. Her contributions to this chapter are immeasurable and should not go unrecognized, respected and appreciated. With all my heart, I thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

Gene Lennon V.P. Campbell Area AARP Chapter 5151