April brings Easter and Passover celebrations this year. So happy Easter bunnies, egg hunts, and Easter parades, as well as Seders, charoseth and family stories. Remember, too, the deeper meanings of each of these feasts. With the recent defeat of the American Health Care Act in the House of Representatives, supporters of Obamacare can breathe more easily. If Congress or the president bring up this issue again, it will probably be at least a year before it happens. At the March meeting, one of the concerns that Liz Gibbons raised was the reduction of transportation outreach to seniors. There is an article in the March 24 issue of the Campbell Reporter which describes a pilot program for West Valley seniors that is sponsored by the County. The cities in the West Valley group are Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino and Campbell. Look for this article on the front flag table at the general meeting. The Jewish Community Center of Los Gatos will host AARP mature driver and refresher courses in April, May and July. Look for flyers again on the flag table at the general meeting. I thank those of you who supported the Orchard City Community Chorus and the other choirs/ choruses who performed Mar. 10 at Campbell United Methodist Church for Next Door Solutions; the organization raised over $4000. Today was opening day for the SF Giants, and it seems like one of the problems they had last year is still with them. The bullpen blew a 4-3 lead in the eighth inning, leading to an eventual 6-5 loss in the bottom of the ninth to the Arizona Diamondbacks.