President … Ken Schieck

Let us prayerfully reflect on June 6, the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the invasion of Normandy. That bloody Allied invasion was the beginning of the end for Hitler and his war machine. All of us probably have relatives or friends who served that day, some of whom may not have returned. The world is a better place because of the sacrifices of ‘The Greatest Generation.’

June 14 is Flag Day;; if you have a flag, please fly it.

Celebrate ‘Senior Safari Walk’ on Thursday, June 27, at Happy Hollow in Kelly Park near Keyes and Senter in San Jose;; the park opens at 8:30, and the entry is free before 10 AM. Breakfast items can be purchased inside. This is the second of three or four of these ‘walks.’

The AARP regional and national phone conversations I have participated in the last two months have centered around prescription drug prices. For more information, please go to I participated in one on Thursday, May 30, and this one was centered on the acronym VMF- Veterans, Military, and Families. Did you know that 4 million veterans belong to AARP nationwide? A few months ago, Antoine Cook, Associate State Director for AARP and our speaker in January, asked me to join a committee to study more effective ways that AARP, at the State and Chapter level, can assist veterans, active military and their families. One area that national AARP is working on is fraud;; veterans are twice as likely than the general population to be targeted for scams. I am certainly going to give this serious consideration and would welcome any ideas that you might have. For more information, go to

Remember that our chapter is urgently seeking a Vice-President

Nominations … Jan Delucchi

To the members of our Chapter: we are asking you to volunteer for some very important positions to keep our Chapter running. It is up to YOU now. PLEASE call me at 408-379-7587, or email me at, or see me at the next Chapter meeting to see how you can help. We have been a Chapter for over 20 years because our members volunteered when needed.

Legislative News … Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

The state legislature is in the process of figuring out and passing/not passing the new 2019-2020 budget, so we won’t be hearing from them for another month. But they need to hear from us!

Please call your State Assembly member and your State Senator and ask them to support the following:

Assembly Bill 824 — In an attempt to tackle drug costs, Assemblyman Jim Wood, D-Santa Rosa, and Attorney General Xavier Becerra have introduced this bill to protect generic drugs from litigation as they head to market. This bill would shield generic drugs from so-called “pay-for-delay” litigation from brand-name drug manufacturers.

Actuarial Study Funding for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) – $1,000,000 — The study would help in the creation of a new long-term services and supports (LTSS) financing program that would meet the needs of California’s growing population of older adults and persons living with disabilities.

Caregiver Resource Centers Funding – $30 million — One-time budget request over three years to support the statewide Caregiver Resource Centers system: During the recession, funding for the Caregiver Resource Centers was cut by 74%;; and as a result, there are now waitlists for caregivers seeking respite care. According to AARP data, approximately 4.5 million family caregivers in California provide care to an adult, many of whom are still working full-time jobs.

On the Federal side, we ask you contact your member of Congress (Lofgren, Eshoo or Khanna, depending on where you reside) and ask them to support the same initiatives as in May, if you haven’t done so already. Please call, write, email — just make sure they know these issues are what matter!

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices: CREATES Act of 2019”, or H.R. 965 (Rep David Ciciline, D-RI), and our right to access lower priced generic drugs, “Protecting Consumer Access to Generic Drugs Act of 2019”, or H.R. 1499 (Rep Robert Rush, D-IL).

Age-Discrimination Initiative: H.R.1230 (Rep Robert Scott, D-VA) and S. 485 (Sen Robert Casey, D-PA), the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act (POWADA).

Medical-Expense Deduction: H.R.2073 (Rep Katie Porter, D-CA), a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the 7.5 percent adjusted gross income floor for medical-expense deductions.

Community Service … Leona Fails

Friends of Campbell Library Book Sale is the 2nd Saturday of every month, 10:00 – 1:00, at the Campbell Library.

County of Santa Clara’s House Sharing Program matches people who have under-utilized homes with individuals living and working in Santa Clara County who are seeking affordable housing options. This is operated by: Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, 2625 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA, 95134, 408-325- 5134

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Coordinated, Caring, Community Response (Building Strong Support for Elders)

Thursday, June 13, 2019 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Campbell Community Center, Orchard City Banquet Hall

Keynote Speaker: Paul Greenwood
Retired Deputy District Attorney, San Diego County


Sponsored by:
AARP, City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, and Institute on Aging

Opportunity Drawing … Sharon and Paul Levine

June 18, 2019 Drawing Three Tickets for $1.00

MOD Pizza in Campbell $25 Gift Card (Thanks to Angie Jaggars)

Armadillo Willy’s in San Jose $40 Gift Card (Thanks to Angie Jaggers)

Blue Sky Chinese Restaurant in Campbell $10 Gift Card
(Thanks to Nancy Tepperman)

Good Luck

May Opportunity Drawing Winners:

Mod Pizza $25 gift card winner was David More

Adelita’s Taqueria Restaurant $8 gift card winner was Fanny Young

Campbell Express winner was Kathy Mattingly