AARP Request Regarding Election Volunteers

Hello AARP California Volunteers,

If you are employed with or volunteer on an Election Board/Election Board Advisory Committee at the state or county level in California, let me know if you are willing to speak with AARP staff in the campaigns department at our national office regarding voter access to the voting process for the 50+ population.

There will be a discussion taking place within the next week, and if you are interested, please let me know by Monday, July 6, 2020 @ 12pm Pacific.

Thank you in advance, and have a great weekend!

Antoine Cook | AARP California

Associate State Director, Community

200 S. Los Robles Ave., Ste. 400 | Pasadena, CA 91101-2422| (626) 585-2608 | Cell (626) 429-0473

President … Ken Schieck

I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe celebration of July 4.  Find a big place (like a stadium) to watch all the fireworks.  Don’t get cocky like my cousin about 60 years ago; he bought firecrackers in Chinatown and put some into my mother’s flower pot with dirt.  When the pot exploded and sent pieces all over the yard, he wondered why!

If you would like information about what AARP state liaison officers are discussing with our reps in Sacramento, please let me know. The information I have received from Antoine Cook indicates that the major issues are prescription drug costs, internet and voice-over privacy, and long-term care support and services.

Information will be forthcoming about the yearly AARP Service Day, which usually occurs in August.

Other notable dates in July:

  • July 1, 1863 — the beginning of the battle of Gettysburg;
  • July 2, 1776 — the Continental Congress issues a proclamation declaring the colonies independent of Great Britain;
  • July 4, 1863 — Vicksburg, the last Confederate stronghold, surrenders to the Union army;
  • July 4, 1872 — Calvin Coolidge is born in Plymouth, Vermont;
  • July 15, 1606 — Dutch painter Rembrandt is born in Leiden, Holland;
  • July 16, 1969 — Apollo lunar landing mission begins;
  • July 20, 1954 — a conference in Geneva, Switzerland, ends hostilities between the French forces in Vietnam and the People’s Army of Vietnam.
  • July 31, 1790 — U.S.Patent Office opens its doors.

Program … Paddy Wray

Heart of the Valley, SERVICES FOR SENIORS, INC., is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization helping seniors 65 or older in West Santa Clara Valley by offering services and programs that help them maintain their independence.  Come learn more about their offerings and find out why they are passionate about helping seniors in our community.  Perhaps their programs will benefit you or someone you know, and/or possibly you’ll find them to be a worthy volunteer opportunity.

Their motto:  “Friendly Neighbors Helping Seniors Stay Independent.”

Opportunity Drawing … Sharon and Paul Levine

MOD Pizza in Campbell $25 Gift Card

(Thanks to Angie Jaggars)

Blue Sky Restaurant in Campbell $10 Gift Card

(Thanks to Nancy Tepperman)

Campbell Express

(Thanks to Stephon Hansen)

Good Luck

June Opportunity Drawing Winners:

Armadillo Willy’s $40 gift card winner was Som Flowerdew

MOD Pizza’s $25 gift card winner was Jeanne Ulrich

Blue Sky Restaurant’s $10 gift card winner was Margaret Schiek

Legislative News … Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

It looks as if President Trump wants to revamp or overthrow Obamacare again. He mentioned mid-June that he would unveil a new healthcare plan this month that would be “something terrific”. According to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), “The American people already know exactly what the President’s health care plans mean in their lives: higher costs, worse coverage and the end of lifesaving protections for people with pre-existing conditions.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) mentioned that “we’re looking forward to seeing what he’s going to recommend.” We’re thinking a wait-and-see attitude is best……

On the State front: Since AB 824 is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee sometime in early July, Chapter members should contact Senator Bill Monning the first week in July at the earliest and let him know what we want. AB 824 is a model bill and California is leading the nation to stop pay-to- delay practices that enable brand-name drug companies to maintain high prices by delaying the sale of lower-cost generics. Americans pay the highest drug prices in the world. In 2006, the annual cost of brand name drugs was $1,868; in 2017, it went up to $6,798 (an increase of over 360%). Drug prices continue to skyrocket while seniors struggle to afford Medicare and more than 2/3 of seniors have two or more concurrent chronic illnesses. The average beneficiary has a medium annual income of just $26,000; many older Californians must choose between prescriptions and buying groceries. Please ask our Senators to vote YES on AB 824.

AB 1366 – Please contact Senator Beall or Monning and ask them to OPPOSE this harmful bill. Internet companies that provide Voice-Over-Internet telephone service should be required to offer the SAME consumer protections that traditional landline telephone services must offer. VOIP companies are trying to AVOID oversight by the California Public Utilities Commission. That means that millions of Californians, many of them over 50, would have unregulated phone and internet service, which means higher rates for the people who can least afford it. Ask our Senators to please vote NO on AB 1366.

Please contact your state Assembly member (Pan, Kaira) to ask for their support of SB 512 (Long-Term Supports & Services). If you live in Assembly member Kalra’s district, call him to thank him for his leadership on this issue. AARP is a member of the California Aging & Disability Alliance, which is sponsoring SB 512. Research has shown that LTSS costs more than most Californians can afford. This bill will address this issue. Toward that end, AARP is hoping we can share a personal caregiving story – time, expenses, sacrifices, etc., with the Assembly members in hopes of garnering their support for this bill.

Community Service … Leona Fails

Sip, Sample & Serve: San Jose, CA

Learn about volunteer opportunities with AARP in the Bay Area!

When: Thursday, July 11, 2019 – 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Where: San Jose Fire Museum, 201 N. Market Street, San Jose, CA 95110

Are you interested in making a difference in your community? Join us for our Sip, Sample and Serve Happy Hour. Learn about the array of volunteer opportunities with AARP, while meeting new people and enjoying an afternoon of hors-d’oeuvres, wine, music, and more!

Volunteer opportunities with AARP include supporting events and office work, advocating on important issues that impact older adults, and leading educational community workshops (training is provided).

Registration is required. Please RSVP no later than Monday, July 8th. Web registration only at:

Parking is not available on site, but will be validated at the San Pedro Market Street Garage located at 45 N. Market in downtown San Jose.

Pack-A-Back Drive … Marilyn Clough

It’s time once again to start collecting school supplies for Sacred Heart Community Service’s Pack-A-Back drive. These packs are distributed in August, so we have the next two meetings in which to collect our contributions. All general supplies are needed, from elementary school level up to high school, including backpacks themselves (avoid red and blue, so keep this in mind as you shop). Money is also welcome. Getting our local children off to a good start in the upcoming school year is a very worthy community service project for our chapter.