
MEMBERSHIP…Shelly Schwartz 
Well, here we are already into November and, yes, I’m collecting Membership dues for 2018.  As stipulated in last month’s Dispatch our 2018 dues have increased a bit, as follows: Annual Membership dues, including the Dispatch, emailed to you, will be $14.00. Annual Membership dues, including the Dispatch, sent by regular mail, will be $17.00.
New members who join us in November and December will have the 2017 fee waived.  New members or current members wishing to pay their 2018 dues early, may do so by either paying at the next meeting or by sending me a check payable to AARP Campbell Chapter 5151.  My address is at the bottom of the Application.  Please include the yearly Membership Application with your payment


10:00 a.m.   Social Time 9:30 a.m.

Leave clean clothing and bedding and nonperishable food for Sacred Heart on the bench outside. Please do not bring garage sale type items for Sacred Heart. Please bring books to share. Place these items on the first table: donations for the troops; new and used greeting cards in the box; your volunteer hours in purple envelope

Lunch after meeting:
Aldo’s Ristorante & Bar
14109 Winchester Blvd, Los Gatos  408*384-1808
(at Knowles Drive)
Ray Cosyn, Historian


Program…Gene Lennon
There is only one amendment that has ever been repealed, and that was the Eighteenth Amendment which spawned the Volstead Act and brought the country thirteen years of prohibition. The 1920s became a period of hypocrisy and bedlam thanks to the passage of the Volstead Act. How did prohibition come about and how did it end? Who were the key figures of the time and what were their roles in stemming the manufacture, sale, and distribution of intoxicating beverages? How did the California wineries survive and why was the act repealed? All these and more questions will be answered in this fascinating presentation.

Legislative Report

Legislative Report…Daniel Nnorth and Claudia Schott

The State Legislature is adjourned until January and the Governor has until the 15th of October to sign or veto the legislation. We don’t have a lot of time!

Please urge Governor Brown to VETO Senate Bill 649, the Small Cell Towers Bill, which allows telecommunications companies to bypass the standard permitting process and install cell towers without local government permission OR public input. His number in the Capitol is:  916-445-2841

SB 17 (Drug Pricing Transparency Bill) is also on the Governor’s desk. When it is signed, it will be the strongest drug pricing transparency measure in the nation! (I am not even going to say IF it gets signed – don’t want to jinx it!)

On the national level, we are still dealing with Congress wishing to cut Medicare spending and budget. Congress has until the first of October, but they always run a little late, so feel free to call our Representatives and Senators and let them know how we feel!  Congressional leaders know that some of the harsh cuts to Medicare on the table in other proposals would never pass in an up-or-down vote. That’s why they’re trying to sneak them into law by attaching them to a must-pass spending bill, and hoping that we don’t notice them trying to break Medicare’s promise.

Don’t let them get away with it: Tell Congress to protect seniors’ earned benefits, and reject any budget that cuts Medicare. Go to and add your name to the growing numbers opposing Medicare cuts!

Dates to Remember


DEADLINE for articles for the Dispatch First Tuesday each month e-mail to
snail (US) mail: Dispatch, 2156 Orestes Way Campbell CA 95008

Executive Board Meeting, Wesley Manor Dining Room      Second Tuesday each month 10:00 am
Chapter Meeting Campbell Community Center Room Q80       Third Tuesday each month   9:30 am

October 17 Meeting

10:00 a.m.   Social Time 9:30 a.m.

Leave clean clothing and bedding and nonperishable food for Sacred Heart on the bench outside. Please do not bring garage sale type items for Sacred Heart. Please bring books to share. Place these items on the first table: donations for the troops; new and used greeting cards in the box; your volunteer hours in purple envelope

Lunch after meeting:
Sam’s Bar-B-Que
1110 S. Bascom Ave, San Jose  408-297-9151
Terry Gallo Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley


Program…Gene Lennon
The October 17 program will feature Terry Gallo, “How Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley keeps low income seniors safe in their homes.”  Volunteers and communities come together to help low income seniors


MEMBERSHIP…Shelly Schwartz
In an effort to stay solvent, and due to the increase in the cost of doing business, including postage and printing of our newsletter, effective immediately, our Chapter must increase the annual dues for next year by a whole 16 cents per month!

Therefore, effective January 1, 2018 the increases will be as follows: Annual Membership dues including the Dispatch,  e-mailed to you will be $14.00 Annual Membership dues including the Dispatch, sent by regular mail will be $17.00

New members who join us in the next few months (Oct., Nov., Dec.) will have the 2017 fee waived. Any new or current member wishing to pay their 2018 dues early may do so beginning October 1

President’s Message

President…Ken Schieck
From all accounts, the AARP picnic (pictures below) on Sept.19, 2017 was an unqualified success for the approximately 65 people who attended; the parking was good; the weather was more than co-operative; the food was great and the companionship was awesome.  Many many thanks to Paddy Wray and her planning committee including Sue McMillin, Marilyn Clough, Veronika Phillips and Margaret Schieck.  Special thanks to Carlos Castaneda and Tina Wong-Erling at the City of Campbell for providing logistical assistance both before and after the event.

On Sept. 21, AARP participated in a senior’s resource fair at the Saratoga Senior Center. Approximately 30 people stopped by to chat and pick up a copy of the DISPATCH and the tri-fold information brochure. What surprised us is that most of them thought we were representing national AARP; now they know that there is a local chapter that will welcome them. Thanks to Gene Lennon, Paddy Wray and Margaret Schieck for (wo)manning the tables. We participated in another senior’s resource fair at Liberty Towers on Wed. Oct. 4. I believe that we will be participating in more of these, so please consider assisting at them. If you are interested, please contact me.

Birthdays in October include Jimmy Carter (Oct.1), Kate Winslet (Oct .5), Chevy Chase (Oct. 8), John Lennon (Oct. 9), Jerry Rice (Oct.13), Dwight Eisenhower (Oct.14), Angela Lansbury (Oct.16), Chuck Berry (Oct.18), Carrie Fisher (Oct. 21), Hillary Clinton (Oct. 26) and Bill Gates (Oct. 28)

Have a Happy Halloween

You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:
10. You get winded from knocking on the door.
9.  You need to have another kid chew the candy for you.
8.  You ask for high fiber candy only.
7.  When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your Balance and fall over. 6.  People say: ‘Great Boris Karloff Mask,’      And you’re not wearing a mask.
5.  When the door opens you yell, ‘Trick or…’  And can’t remember the rest.
4.  By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
3.  You have to carefully choose a costume that won’t dislodge your hairpiece.
2.  You’re the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker. And the number one reason Seniors should not go Trick Or Treating..*
1.  You keep having to go home to pee.

No matter, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway