Do You Like to Sing? … Nancy Tepperman

A free sing-along group meets on Zoom on Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m.  The group use to meet in person at the Chai House.  There are a couple of songbooks to help singers remember the words which can be ordered on Amazon if you like the group.  What the group does is:  The leader is un-muted, and the rest of the attendees sing along (muted) at home.  It’s less satisfying than being together, but it does give that boost that singing familiar music does for the soul.  If you are interested, please contact Nancy at, to be put on the email list.

Laughing is Good for the Soul

Shelly Schwartz

My doctor was giving me a hard time about my health. To get back on his good side, I bought a puppy and named him ‘Five Miles’.

That way, when I went to see my doctor, I could tell him, “I walk five miles every morning!”

Marilyn Clough … These are actual ads seen in The Las Palmas newspaper (a senior retirement community) — Dating for Seniors:


         Active grandmother with original teeth, seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks, corn on the cob and caramel candy.


         Male, 1942 model Willie Americar, high mileage, good condition, some hair

         Many new parts, including hip, knee, cornea, valves.

         Isn’t in running condition, but walks well (usually)

Let’s Laugh at Covid-19

Lynda Martinez

The COVID-19 situation has been especially stressful for the Flat Earth Society. They fear that social distancing could push people over the edge.

P.S. I bet they’re really excited about flattening the curve, though.

Veronika Phillips

A Dog’s Bewilderment — As a dog walks down the street with his best friend (owner) and sees all the people around them, he is amazed and wonders, “All these humans with muzzles!  Who did they bite?”

Do you like to sing?

A free sing-along group meets on zoom Thursdays 7:30-9:00.  We used to meet in person at the Chai House.  We have a couple of songbooks to help us remember the words which you can order on Amazon if you like the group.  What we do is the leader is unmuted, and the rest of us sing along at home.  It’s less satisfying than being together but does give that boost that singing familiar music does for the soul.  If you are interested, please contact, and she will put you on the email list.  You can find Nancy’s phone number in the Dispatch if you prefer to call.

President … Ken Schieck

National AARP is sharing current Covid-19 information every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. PDT; phone # is 855-274-9507.

Many thanks again to Thelma Bridges and her telephone committee; they have contacted all our members every week checking to see if they are safe and have all the items they need.  A device as simple as a telephone can assist us in keeping our AARP bonds with each other.

Thanks to Paul and Sharon Levine, who hosted our first Zoom general meeting on Tuesday, June 16; there were about 25 attendees, including officers. Please consider joining the next general meeting on Tuesday, July 21.

As of the beginning of July, National AARP has cancelled all in-person AARP events until the end of the year, including in-person general meetings.

We will continue to hold our meetings using Zoom or other technologies until further notice.

In these uncertain times, it is good to have ‘Glad Tidings’ brought up on a monthly basis in the Dispatch; thanks to Maribel Santos and Lynda Martinez who provided reflections last month.

Community Service … Leona Fails

The Psychological Tricks of Covid-19 Scammers:  While we are isolated by the virus, more people are vulnerable to deception.  The AARP Bulletin lists 4 ways to turn the tables on scammers:

1. Cut them off.

2. End suspicious online friendships.

3. Cultivate your real friendships who can be sounding boards on unusual offers.

4. Do your homework.

Visit to learn about the latest coronavirus scams.