
MEMBERSHIP…Shelly Schwartz
In an effort to stay solvent, and due to the increase in the cost of doing business, including postage and printing of our newsletter, effective immediately, our Chapter must increase the annual dues for next year by a whole 16 cents per month!

Therefore, effective January 1, 2018 the increases will be as follows: Annual Membership dues including the Dispatch,  e-mailed to you will be $14.00 Annual Membership dues including the Dispatch, sent by regular mail will be $17.00

New members who join us in the next few months (Oct., Nov., Dec.) will have the 2017 fee waived. Any new or current member wishing to pay their 2018 dues early may do so beginning October 1

President’s Message

President…Ken Schieck
From all accounts, the AARP picnic (pictures below) on Sept.19, 2017 was an unqualified success for the approximately 65 people who attended; the parking was good; the weather was more than co-operative; the food was great and the companionship was awesome.  Many many thanks to Paddy Wray and her planning committee including Sue McMillin, Marilyn Clough, Veronika Phillips and Margaret Schieck.  Special thanks to Carlos Castaneda and Tina Wong-Erling at the City of Campbell for providing logistical assistance both before and after the event.

On Sept. 21, AARP participated in a senior’s resource fair at the Saratoga Senior Center. Approximately 30 people stopped by to chat and pick up a copy of the DISPATCH and the tri-fold information brochure. What surprised us is that most of them thought we were representing national AARP; now they know that there is a local chapter that will welcome them. Thanks to Gene Lennon, Paddy Wray and Margaret Schieck for (wo)manning the tables. We participated in another senior’s resource fair at Liberty Towers on Wed. Oct. 4. I believe that we will be participating in more of these, so please consider assisting at them. If you are interested, please contact me.

Birthdays in October include Jimmy Carter (Oct.1), Kate Winslet (Oct .5), Chevy Chase (Oct. 8), John Lennon (Oct. 9), Jerry Rice (Oct.13), Dwight Eisenhower (Oct.14), Angela Lansbury (Oct.16), Chuck Berry (Oct.18), Carrie Fisher (Oct. 21), Hillary Clinton (Oct. 26) and Bill Gates (Oct. 28)

Have a Happy Halloween

You know you are too old to Trick or Treat when:
10. You get winded from knocking on the door.
9.  You need to have another kid chew the candy for you.
8.  You ask for high fiber candy only.
7.  When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your Balance and fall over. 6.  People say: ‘Great Boris Karloff Mask,’      And you’re not wearing a mask.
5.  When the door opens you yell, ‘Trick or…’  And can’t remember the rest.
4.  By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.
3.  You have to carefully choose a costume that won’t dislodge your hairpiece.
2.  You’re the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker. And the number one reason Seniors should not go Trick Or Treating..*
1.  You keep having to go home to pee.

No matter, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway

HELP WANTED!!/Nominating Committee


Nominating Committee…Jan Delucchi
We have a desperate need to fill a few positions. We need a man to help Sheila prepare the coffee at the  general meeting.  Perhaps a man would be willing to help for October, November and December. January will be the annual luncheon and maybe Daniel will be back by February. We also need a couple of alternates to help with the Opportunity drawing so you can rotate. These positions only require time at the general meetings. We also have one opening on the Nominating Committee. Is it time to finally offer your services? PLEASE see Jan Delucchi  or the President Ken Schieck.

Community Services

Community Service…Marilyn Clough
The purple envelope awaits your TWO month’s worth of volunteer hours at our upcoming monthly meeting.  Please help us accumulate this information for our yearly report to  national AARP.  We know so many of you volunteer with the many organizations that help others in our extended communities (we are the Campbell AREA chapter for a reason).  Collection of greeting cards for another organization is a good example of an effort that would count.  Keep up the good work; volunteering is good for you in many ways!

Have Another Laugh

Have Another Laugh
Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, showed up at the country club with a breathtakingly beautiful and very sexy 25 year-old blonde who knocked everyone’s socks off. She hung on Bob’s arm and listened intently to his every word.

His buddies at the club were all aghast. At the first chance, they cornered him and asked “Bob, how’d you get the trophy girlfriend?”

Bob replied, “Girlfriend? She’s my wife!”

They were blown over. “So, how’d you persuade her to marry you?” “I lied about my age,” Bob replied. What, you told her you were only 50?” Bob smiled and said, “No, I told her I was 90.”

Opportunity Tickets

Opportunity TicketsBarbara Robinson
October drawings at three for $1 are:

Half Hour Massage
$45 Gift Certificate – Winchester Chiropractic
1270  S. Winchester Blvd, S.J.   (Thanks to Barbara Robinson)
Denny’s on Hillsdale, S.J.
2 Entrees + 2 Drinks – Expires 11/20/17
(Thanks to Libby Harbour & Bob & Dot McElligott)
Campbell Express
Two Free Subscriptions 408-374-9700
(Thanks to Stephon Hansen)
Weekend Coffee Roasters
Bag of Fresh Coffee
Locally Roasted  (Thanks to Rick Loek

Cyber Security

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month…Rick Loek
I’ve touched on this before and held a presentation about cybersecurity at our local chapter meeting.  It is my belief that there is no way to avoid cyber-attacks.  You may not be online, you may not have a smart phone.

Nonetheless, companies  you utilize  or  even don’t utilize, are online.  Equifax’s data breach is a prime example.  Why be concerned?  Well, if your identity is stolen or compromised it can take years to recover from this nightmare.

Have you ever locked your credit?  Per, consumers can enroll for complimentary identity-theft protection and credit-file monitoring. The credit protection service is free for 12 months for consumers — not just breach victims — who sign up by Nov. 21. Read the full AARP article here: scams-fraud/info-2017/equifax-cyber-attackdatabreach-fd.html.  REMINDER: Never ever give personal financial information in email, never!  Look at for more useful posts and resources

President’s Message

President…Ken Schieck Well, here it is, the month of September; most of us remember going back to school the Tuesday after Labor Day.  For probably the last 15 years, however, your children and grandkids have been going back to school in August, getting a 2 week holiday break in December and ending the school term in May. I think very soon the metropolitan states like California will vote to have year-round school. The buildings will be better utilized, and the students will remember school basics more easily than when they had 90 days off!   Famous people born in September include:  Lily Tomlin (Sept.1),  Beyonce Knowles (Sept.4),  Bob Newhart (Sept.5), Bill O’Reilly (Sept.10),  Oliver Stone (Sept.15),  Lauren Bacall (Sept.16), Yours Truly (Sept.18), Sophia Loren(Sept.20),   Bruce Springsteen (Sept. 23), and Barbara Walters (Sept.25).

Speaking of September, I hope to see many of you at our picnic on Tuesday, Sept.19 at Edith Morley Park, Campbell, from 11:30-2. Our chapter will also participate in a Seniors Resource Fair at the Saratoga Senior Center on Thursday, Sept. 21 from 2pm to 5 pm; We will probably have a table as well on Wed. Oct. 4 at Liberty Towers in Santa Clara from 10 am to 2pm; if you are interested in helping out at either of these two events, please contact me at 408-379-7820 or

Our Community Service chair, Marilyn Clough is going to write a history of the Campbell AARP Chapter; if you would like to lend her your writing talents, please contact her at 408-377-6882.

Please keep the victims of Hurricane Harvey in your thoughts and prayers.


(No General Meeting)
Edith Morley Park 11:30—2:00 Campbell Technology Parkway
and McGlincy Lane
$7/person or $5/AARP Member IF
You bring a potential chapter member.
Call Paddy 249-3263 or Marilyn 377-6882 BEFORE SEPT 9.
NO lunch tickets will be sold at the park.

BBQ Ribs              BBQ Chicken          Cole Slaw
Burger  (Beef/Chicken/Vege)                Caesar Salad
Corn on the Cob    Beans & Franks       Potato Salad
Fresh Fruit             Cupcakes                 Drinks